The focus of the Communication Enrichment Class is on vocabulary and literacy enrichment, conflict resolution, learning to better direct attendant services and personal advocacy. The class was developed to support Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)users and assist them through language development and facilitation services. The curriculum includes research discussions, novel studies, experiments, art, poetry and community outings. The class allows participants the opportunity to enrich their vocabulary and social skills, and find creative ways to express themselves.
The class runs on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm from September to June.
There is a nominal program fee charged to each participant on a monthly basis. This fee does not exceed forty dollars ($40.00) and can be waived due to financial difficulty. These funds are used to pay for participant activities (class materials, backup transit costs, social outings, parties, etc). The class is not government-funded and is supported by the Ontario Federation of Cerebral Palsy, North Yorkers for Disabled Persons and private donations. The class does not hold a wait list. Attendant Services and Facilitation Services are provided for every class. If you would like more information about the Communication Enrichment Class, please contact Jessica, our Manager of Client Services, via emailor by phone at (416) 222-4448.